WWE SmackDown 20/02/2003 - Raport

Po zeszłotygodniowym ataku Brocka Lesnara na Johna Cenę, gdzie 'Bestia' wykonała mu F-5 na stalowy narożnik. John Cena przez to nabawił się urazu kolana, i zapowiedział, że to dopiero początek wojny pomiędzy nimi.

''I'd like to take this time to say thank you to Brock.
You shattered my knee on tv, now I can't walk.
It's official. I got crippled by the meathead.
But Brock, you left me breathing when you should have left me for dead.
So I swear John Cena's a name you will remember.
From this point on I declare war on Brock Lesnar!
This is more than a match, it's a total obsession.
I'll be watching everything you do twenty four-seven.
Forcing you to keep me in the back of your mind.
And since your brain is so small, I won't be hard to find.
I'll break you down, watch you drown and not throw a rope.
This is jail Brock, we're inmates. You just dropped the soap!
Word Life!''
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